New bullying behaviour book due out soon
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This has been due to devoting a lot of attention to the new book which is due out soon. Intervening In Bullying Behaviour: Nine Ways to Take Direct Action is in the final stages of production and should be on sale by the end of September.


Review - Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
17/04/13 10:14 Filed in: resources
What could be worse than being subjected to bullying behaviour? The answer is in Mobbing: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions. Mobbing happens when a group of people gang up and use bullying behaviour. When the target tries to get help, the organisation supports and sides with the group doing the bullying behaviour. There is a lot more to mobbing than that and it is clearly explained in Duffy & Sperry's book. It contains four parts: Introduction, How mobbing develops, Consequences & recovery and Solutions & prevention. Read More...
How to promote decency in any organisation
It takes more than good intentions to have a pleasant and successful workplace, school or organisation. You need the right structures, policies and procedures to help people get things done and ensure everyone is treated with respect. However you also need to be able to deal with issues effectively. Below is some ways in which you can promote a healthy organisation and minimise some of the risk factors.
9 risk factors involved in mobbing behaviours
04/02/13 09:33 Filed in: behaviour
When looking at examples of mobbing behaviours a number of factors occur regularly. Because they happen more often they become known as risk factors. To try and deal with mobbing it is important that we look for the risk factors and attempt to stop them from developing into actual problems. Below lists 9 types of risk factors (from Duffy and Sperry, 2012) for workplaces and school environments: Read More...
Mobbing: A checklist of indicators
29/01/13 08:31 Filed in: behaviour
In the 5 stages of mobbing post I mentioned that for those within an organisation it can be difficult to identify mobbing. The reason for this is being apart of the organisational culture and systems can blind us to seeing how we act in an objective and unbiased way. Researchers have provided a way of checking to us check to see if it is happening in our organisations. Westthues (2006) provides 16 items to check. Read More...
How does Mobbing happen?
21/01/13 08:51 Filed in: behaviour
Mobbing occurs when bullying behaviour is carried out and the organisation is also involved. Negative and aggressive acts that do harm are repeated against someone with some degree of organisation help and support. In my research I came across this video about the 5 phases of mobbing. Read More...
7 Types of actions that mobber's use
14/01/13 10:17 Filed in: behaviour
The difference between mobbing behaviour and bullying behaviour can initially be confusing. But we should not get to distracted by the terms as the individual behaviours are basically the same. What is different is that rather than just one or a few people use this behaviours towards the target, everyone gangs up and joins in mobbing the target. Trawling through a list of example behaviours lead me to create the following seven categories of behaviour. Read More...
Mobbing, the next step up from bullying behaviour
07/01/13 16:57 Filed in: behaviour | case study
There is a lot of information about bullying behaviour and its use and impact. But there is even a darker side to it which is know as mobbing. Bullying behaviour sits in the middle of a continuum with healthy relationships on one side and mobbing on the other. Mobbing is bullying behaviour carried to the extreme. Read More...
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