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Price USD$11.95 for paperback and USD$7.99 for kindle ebook. Available on all amazon stores.

What other books that can help?

There are generally many different ways to solve a problem. Some ways suit people better than others. Also there are times when problems require specialist help. In the course of our work and research we have come across programs, books, and materials that might be of interest or help to you. So we have put together a page of possible books that may interest you.

Disclaimer: Please remember that this is just a courtesy to help you find services or resources that might help meet your needs. We do not accept any liability to any person for the information (or the use of such information) which is provided by any of the resources described. The information is provided on the basis that all persons undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy for themselves.

Books for parents
Books and resources for practitioners

Books for parents

Kid’s Skills: Playful and practical solution-finding with children by Ben Furman
Also see the website

The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander by Barbara Coloroso

Bully Blocking, six secrets to help children deal with teasing and bullying.” By Everlyn M. Field

Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Martha Davis Ph.D., Patrick Fanning, Matthew McKay Ph.D.

10 Days to a Less Defiant Child by Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D

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Books and resources for practitioners

Playing with Fire: Training for Those Working with Young People in Conflict by Fiona Macbeth, Nic Fine, Jo Broadwood

Educating for Resilience: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Young People at Risk. By Graeme Withers and Jean Russell

Tribes: A new way of Learning Together by Jeanne Gibbs. This website has information on newer editions.

Aggression and Violence in Adolescence by Robert F Marcus

Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners by Howard Kassinove and Raymond Chip Tafrate

Islands of Healing: A guide to adventure based counseling by Jim Schoel, Dock Prouty and Paul Radcliffe

Exploring Islands of healing: New perspectives on Adventure based Counseling by Jim Schoel and Richard S Maizell

Stride - Working across Australia to improve the physical, mental and social wellbeing of young people. Offer school workshops, teacher workshops and teacher resources.

Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc

Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Preventing client-initiated violence : a practical handbook by Claire Mayhew, 2000
  • Preventing violence within organisations : a practical handbook by Claire Mayhew, 2000

A Typology for Interpersonal Violence by Mike Arrajj (2010) - Discussion on assessment of the risk of aggression including details of the San Francisco Police Academy assessment criterior.

Preventing Workplace Violence: Towards a Best Practice Model for Work in the Community - Final Report. Koch,Tina & Hudson, Sally. (2000) Glenside, South Australia: Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) RESEARCH UNIT (SA)

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Price USD$11.95 for paperback and USD$7.99 for kindle ebook. Available on all amazon stores.

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