school age
New bullying behaviour book due out soon
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. This has been due to devoting a lot of attention to the new book which is due out soon. Intervening In Bullying Behaviour: Nine Ways to Take Direct Action is in the final stages of production and should be on sale by the end of September.


The affects of bullying behaviour on children
The affects of being the target of bullying and mobbing behaviour are many and varied. We often only hear of the extreme cases where people resort to extreme physical violence, either to themselves or others. This can stop us thinking about either the more milder effects or those that are hidden and not recognised. Below is a summary of some of the effects that have been reported in studies of children targeted by bullying behaviour. Read More...
Fun and jokes verses bullying behaviour
15/03/13 09:18 Filed in: behaviour | principles
One of the most used excuses for explaining or justifying bullying behaviour is that it was just some harmless fun. "It was just a joke" or "we were all just having a bit of fun". So where is the line? How can you tell when behaviour crosses over and becomes bullying behaviour. This is difficult question to answer but here is some tips. Read More...
7 Types of actions that mobber's use
14/01/13 10:17 Filed in: behaviour
The difference between mobbing behaviour and bullying behaviour can initially be confusing. But we should not get to distracted by the terms as the individual behaviours are basically the same. What is different is that rather than just one or a few people use this behaviours towards the target, everyone gangs up and joins in mobbing the target. Trawling through a list of example behaviours lead me to create the following seven categories of behaviour. Read More...
More common mistakes to avoid #3
Working with young people can have many challenges. There is lots we can do to help and there is some things we should look to avoid. Here are three more things to avoid. Read More...
How to deal with groups using bullying behaviour
It is not uncommon for groups to use bullying behaviour against someone. While there may be an key instigator, the rest of the group or bystanders can support the behaviour. They might join in, laugh or just say nothing. All of these signal that it is okay to use that sort of behaviour. The Group Support Method (GSM)... Read More...
Another good bullying behaviour interventions book
18/10/12 10:27 Filed in: resources
My investigations into bullying behaviour references has found another great book to help you deal with this difficult issue. Ken Rigby provides a great summary of 6 different approaches and is recommended. Read More...
Good ideas in Anti-Bullying handbook
13/10/12 15:29 Filed in: resources
There are a number of books on bullying behaviour and The Anti-Bullying Handbook 2nd edition by Keith Sullivan is a good one. The reason is the 5 chapters (about 60 pages) devoted to different types of interventions. While aimed at those working in school settings there is lots to learn about interventions that could be used in other situations. Like so many other books it covers defining & describing the problem, planning & implementing a policy to address the issue and preventative strategies. Read More...
Don't allow the smoke to distract you from the fire
31/08/12 12:22 Filed in: behaviour | strategies
Dealing with young people smoking is problematic at the best of times. While not wanting to condone the practice you sometimes need to move through the vale of smoke so that you can work on other important behavioural problems. That means accepting that they are going smoke. Here is some idea's on working with adolescence smokers. Read More...
Raising children network
08/06/12 18:15 Filed in: resources
I came across this excellent website, raising children network a few days ago and I highly recommend it. The raising children network provides a hugh range of helpful information for parents of children of all ages including early teens. Also available is a large range of short videos that address a range of topics. Read More...
Idea’s for rewards for good behaviour part-3
As outlined in rewards parts 1 & 2 it helps to encourage good behaviour by offering incentives and small rewards. Here is a further 11 ideas for rewards for young children through to teens:
Idea’s for rewards for good behaviour part-2
As outlined in rewards part 1 it helps to encourage good behaviour by offering incentives and small rewards. Below is 23 ideas for rewards for preteens and teens:
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