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Eight benefits of using the six steps approach

Following on from my last post about what are the six BECOME steps, I thought people might want to know about the benefits of using them. The benefits include:
  • encourages appropriate behaviour
  • creates a structure that gives you confidence to address issues

Six-Steps to Encouraging Appropriate Behaviour

Everyone likes to focus on solutions to problems and so do we. But when you have 20 odd solutions to choose from how do you know which is the best one? Read More...

Launch date of book set for 1 April 2012

I am writing this waiting impatiently for the door buzzer to go. My books are on the way by courier from the printers and hopefully they will arrive today. So it is time to set a launch date for the book. Read More...

Why encouraging appropriate behaviour?

It has take about 14 years to get to this point. I spent lots of time thinking about how we deal with inappropriate behaviour. The more I tried things out, researched and read the more obvious it became. You are far better off... Read More...
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